# the language independent component of the ldl file, which contains most of the
# ldl information and documentation regarding it.
import "string.ldl"
global_strings {
# see string.ldl for details...
string szDisplayFromVersion "0.0"
string szDisplayPatchVersion "1.1"
# This is the title of the main status window
string szStatusTitle "Update Status"
# Text for the cancel button. Remove this string to remove the cancel button
string szCancel "Cancel"
# You see this if you'll have to restart your computer after applying
# a patch
string szRestartText "Unfortunately, you must restart your computer for this update to take effect."
# Buttons text for the above dialog
string szRestartNow "Restart Now"
# Buttons text for the above dialog
string szRestartLater "Restart Later"
# if the game is not installed on your system before patching
# you get this, and then get kicked out. string A is used if szDisplayFromVersion is "0.0",
# string B is used otherwise.
string szNotInstalledA "This update applies to Civilization: Call to Power, versions up to %s only. The required version was not detected on this machine."
string szNotInstalledB "This update applies to Civilization: Call to Power, versions %s to %s only. The required version was not detected on this machine."
# Confirmation message if user presses cancel
string szUpdateAborted "Updater Aborted"
# Confirmation message if user presses cancel
string szPatchAborted "Updater Aborted"
# If the patch data in the patch executable itself is bad - we see
# this error, and the user is kicked out. Could happen if an
# a file transfer error occurred while the patch was downloading.
string szPatchCorrupt "\
Error updating file: %s
This updater is corrupt."
# If something prevents patch file from being written to the target directory,
# the user gets this message, and is kicked out.
string szPatchObstructed "An error occurred while updating Civilization: Call to Power because the file %s is in use by Civilization:Call to Power. You might want to shut down Civilization:Call to Power before running this updater."
# If the patch completes successfully, this is the confirmation
string szPatchSuccessful "Update Successful!"
# If the patch completes successfully, but the registry could not be
# updated with the new version information, this is the warning
string szRegistryTrouble "Could not update registry. Updater complete."
# If the patch failed, this is the error message
string szPatchUnsuccessful "Update was unsuccessful."
# If you have the game properly installed, but the version number
# is higher than handled by this patch, you get this error.
string szPatchUnnecessary "You do not need to run this. You already have the latest version of Civilization:Call to Power."
# If you have the game properly installed, but the version number
# is lower than this patch can handle, you get this error.
string szWrongPatch "You cannot run this updater yet. You must first update your version of Civilization:Call to Power to version %s. Version %s is the lowest version of Civilization:Call to Power that this updater can handle."
# If you have the game properly installed, but the patch doesn't apply
# to your particular SKU:
string szWrongLocale "You do not need to run this updater. It does not apply to your version of Civilization:Call to Power."
# These are the copyright information at the top of the progress
# window. 1A is used if szDisplayFromVersion = "0.0". Otherwise, string 1B is used.
string szCopyrightString1A "Civilization:Call to Power Updater - Version -> %s"
string szCopyrightString1B "Civilization:Call to Power Updater"
string szCopyrightString2 "Copyright 1999 Activision - All rights reserved"
# This text goes just below the copyright information. again,
# 1A is used if szDisplayFromVersion = "0.0". Otherwise, string 1B is used.
string szStatusString1A "* (Updates build to %s) *"
string szStatusString1B "* (Updates build %s to %s) *"
# If you press cancel while we are applying the patch, you get 'szMishmashWarning'.
# At any other time, you'd get 'szSafeWarning'
string szMishmashWarning "\
Cancelling out at this point will leave you with a mix of updated and unupdated files. Civilization: Call to Power will be unplayable until you re-run this application all the way through from the beginning.
Are you sure you wish to cancel?"
string szSafeWarning "Are you sure you wish to cancel the updater?"
# If any errors pop up during patching, this is the title on the
# error dialog box.
string szPatchErrorTitle "Update Error"
# This string fragment indicates that we are verifying pre-patch
# files, and is folllowed by the filename of the file currently
# being verified.
string szVerifying "Verifying:"
# Used like szVerifying, this is shown when the patch files are
# actually being applied.
string szProcessing "Processing:"
# If a file that this patch needs to update is currently in use,
# this message tells the user which file this is, and then kicks them
# out of the patch (check is done before patching starts)
string szErrorFileInUse "\
Updater cannot continue while \"%s\" is active.
Please close down any application that might be using this and re-run this updater."
# If the user is missing files that the patch needs, the user gets this error.
string szFilesMissing "The following file(s) were not found:%s"
# when the patch makes a list of files too long too show in one
# screenful, it stops after the 6th one in the list and just adds this.
string szOthers "... and others."
# if the user has files in their installed directory which the patch
# program needs to apply modify patches to, but the file are corrupted,
# this is the warning.
string szFilesWrong "\
The following file(s) did not match this update version:%s"
# If the verify process fails for whatever reason, this is the text
# which begins the list of files that the patch detected errors with:
string szFileError "\
The following file(s) had an error:%s"
# the error dialog which begins with szFileError ends with this string.
string szFileErrorConclusion "\
You should apply this updater to a clean install of the game. Uninstall your current version, run the install program included on your CD, then re-run this application."
# while the patch waits for the game to shut down before verifying,
# this text blinks on the status window.
string szPleaseWait "Please Wait..."
# some patches have a welcome dialog asking the user if they
# want to patch their system. Others do not (patches grabbed
# with the updater, and launched from the launcher, for example)
string szWelcome "Welcome to the Civilization:Call to Power Updater. This application will update some of your Civilization:Call to Power files."
# szWelcomeLocation is used if the user selects a directory to patch using '-here' in the command line, or
# by dragging and dropping a folder.
string szWelcomeLocation "Welcome to the Civilization: Call to Power Updater. This application will be applied to \"%s\" to update some of your Civilization: Call to Power files."
# dialog title text
string szInformation "Information"
# if szProgramExecutable is still running even after we've waited 20 seconds, the user gets a message that the product is still running and can't be patched at this time
string szWaitToTerminate "waiting for CD Civilization: Call to Power to terminmate..."
string szTerminateTrouble "\
Civilization: Call to Power still appears to be running. This update cannot be applied until Civilization:Call to Power terminates.
Updater will now abort. Try running this again at a later time."
# this text displays after patching is complete. TODO: find out how this is used.
string szReadme "This application installs game enhancements and fixes."
# if you don't have enough space on your system to run a patch,
# you get this message...
string szNotEnoughSpace "You do not have sufficient space on this system to run this update. Try clearing some space and running this again."
# the following text strings are names of shortcuts:
string szEditor "Civilization-Call To Power Editor"
string szEditorReadme "Civilization-Call To Power Editor README"